1. Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Crosshair Console Command
  2. Kingdom Come Deliverance Reticle Console Commands

Without a spade to dig a grave or dig for treasure, you'll end up with a lot of dirt under your nails.
7.3 - 10

Spades are used for digging. Henry requires a spade for the following quests:

Spades are used for digging. Henry requires a spade for the following quests: Scavenger (to dig up the treasure) Homecoming (to bury his parents The Good Thief (to dig up a corpse) Spades can be found in the following locations: One can be purchased from the Trader in Skalitz Zbyshek has one which he is using to fend off Mutt, in Skalitz The Rattay Miller will also give you one if you agree to. Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Crosshair once your high enough level to not swing the bow around like a drunken sailor but until then I'm using the console command so.

  • Scavenger (to dig up the treasure)
  • Homecoming (to bury his parents
  • The Good Thief (to dig up a corpse)

Spades can be found in the following locations:

Kingdom come deliverance reticle console commands

Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Crosshair Console Command

Kingdom come deliverance bow crosshair console command
  • One can be purchased from the Trader in Skalitz
  • Zbyshek has one which he is using to fend off Mutt, in Skalitz
  • The Rattay Miller will also give you one if you agree to do his 'morally ambiguous' work
  • There is a spade just outside the palisade surrounding Executioner Hermann's house
  • At an Interesting site due south of Neuhof, near the bottom of the map.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Reticle Console Commands

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