• Multiple errors from RedundancyPrimitiveRuntime.cpp appear in the log after the bootstrap service is terminated on the primary Application Server node. L00128364: SR 47910004: When migrating a Galaxy from 3.1SP3P1 to 2012R2 the system can erroneously display the following message: 'The Galaxy name conflicts with an existing object in the Galaxy.'
  • Box 36, Springville, Utah - 84663, USA +1 888 900 4529.
  1. The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Job
  2. The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Unavailable
  3. The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Email

Service Control Manager. Description: Description 1.The COM+ System Application terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time, the following corrective action will be taken in 1000 milliseconds:Restart the service. 2.The SERVICE NAME service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this time(s). Use the License Server Administration tool to correct the network license files. Perform the following steps: Navigate to Start All Programs Esko Network License Manager Network License Manager. Click the Tools tab License Server Administration. Click the Handle license files tab. Click the Remove the Barco based license file radio.

This article helps you resolve the problems where the SQL Server service and the SQL Server Agent Service may not start on a stand-alone server.

The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Job

Original product version: SQL Server
Original KB number: 307288



  • Issue 1: On a stand-alone server, the MSSQLSERVER service may fail to start, and you receive the following error message:

    An error 1068 - (The dependency service or group failed to start.) occurred while performing this service operation on the MSSQLServer Service.

  • Issue 2: Similarly, the SQLServerAgent service may also fail to start, and you receive the following error message:

    An error 1068 - (The dependency service or group failed to start.) occurred while performing this service operation on the SQLServerAgent Service.

    Issue 1 and Issue 2 occur when both of the following conditions are true:

    • The server computer is in a workgroup and not part of a domain.
    • Both the MSSQLSERVER and SQLServerAgent services are set to use a domain account for the startup.
  • Issue 3: On a domain member server, the MSSQLSERVER service may not start during the server start, and you receive the following error message:

    The MSSQLSERVER service was unable to log on as domainmssqlsvc with the currently configured password due to the following error: Source: NetLogon Description: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request. The MSSQLSERVER service terminated unexpectedly.

This problem occurs when all the following conditions are true:

  • The server is part of a domain.
  • Both the MSSQLSERVER and SQLServerAgent services are set to use a domain account for the startup.
  • The startup mode for the MSSQLSERVER and SQLServerAgent are set to Automatic.


The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly

The Issue 1 and Issue 2 occurs because the server is a stand-alone computer, the NetLogon service does not start on the server, hence no domain-wide logon authentications are possible.

The Issue 3 occurs because SQL Server services try to start before NetLogon service starts.


The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Unavailable

To fix the Issue 1 and Issue 2, follow these steps:

  • Change the startup account of both the MSSQLSERVER and SQLServerAgent to use the local system account.

  • Restart the server.

To fix the Issue 3, use the following workarounds:

  • Configure the SQL Server startup to delayed start for particular Windows servers, other Windows services such as NetLogon complete first and SQL Server starts without problems.

  • Configure the SQL Server startup to retry, the startup can be completed on the second startup attempt.

  • Change the Duplicate Address Detection (-DadTransmits) value to 1 for all network interfaces on the server. See command Set-NetIPInterface for more information.

  • Change the Recovery options for SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services. Specify Restart the service as action for the failure options. You can perform this option from the Services applet of Administrative Tools using the familiar Service Control Manager interfaces.

If the delayed start option can't fix this Issue 3, you can add the following dependencies to the SQL Server service:

The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly Email

The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly
  • Ip helper service
  • Server Service
  • Network list service

You can add the dependencies by using the following command:

The Archestra License Server Service Terminated Unexpectedly

More information

On a stand-alone computer, the NetLogon Service should be set for manual startup.