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for MAC
2.16.2 Recommended version
29 Dec 2020
- Improved printing quality of Druckwege Type D Dental Model resin for Inkspire,
- Z-HIPS printing profile is no longer available for Inventure,
- Z-ESD v2 printing profile is no longer available for Inventure and M300 Dual,
- Fixed some of the problems where a blank screen would appear when starting Z-SUITE on macOS.
16 Nov 2020
Malayalam movie bharath chandran ips free download. M300 Dual:
- Added new printing profiles with 0.15, 0.20 and 0.30 mm layer thickness values:
- The Tree type support can now be generated automatically. This support type allows users to save resin and eliminate cases where pillars of support merge with each other,
M Series Plus, M300 Dual, Inkspire:
- Added the new option One-click Printing which enables users to quickly and easily prepare files for printing. All required steps take place automatically: the user only has to choose basic settings, such as material type or layer thickness, and choose where the generated file should be saved (hard drive or the printer’s USB drive), or only showed in the Preview. Next, the program adjusts the Rotation for the model (only for Inkspire), adds the automatic support and generates the output file.
Bug fixes:
- M300 Dual & Inventure: Improved extrusion at the beginning and end of prints, and at the time of changing between hotends,
- Inkspire: Fixes cases where pillars would disappear with angled surfaces when adding support manually,
- Improved detection of cases where support pillars would collide with models,
- Improved support generation, especially with pillars placed on the edges of the workspace,
- M Series Plus, M300 Dual, Inventure: Improved generation of Smart bridges which are adjacent to the top layer area; Improved Smart bridges generation after rotating a model,
- Improved fan operation when printing the first layer of supports,
- Fixes some of the quality issues with the Shell mode.
09 Nov 2020
Smart Pss 64
- Added support for Druckwege Type D Dental Model Resin,
- Supported resin types are now divided in a more transparent way, according to their applications or characteristics (e.g. Dental, Jewelry, Tough, Flexible, etc.)
05 Oct 2020
- Added new layer thickness values for Dreve FotoDent® model and FotoDent® guide resins – 0.1 mm,
All devices:
- Improved the way of highlighting overhangs that require support structures – the highlight does not include layers which base directly on the platform,
- Added a notification about the requirement to install the newest firmware update in the device,

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug with tooltips in the Support step,
- Improved translation of menu texts.
29 Jul 2020
M300 Dual & Inventure:
- New printing profiles and layer thickness values:
- Single-extrusion mode: Z-FLEX 0.15; 0.20; 0.30 mm / Z-HIPS 0.15; 0.20; 0.30 mm / Z-ULTRAT Plus 0.15; 0.20; 0.30 mm
Z-ULTRAT 0.30 mm / Z-PLA Pro 0.15; 0.20; 0.30 mm / Z-PLA 0.30 mm / Z-PETG 0.30 mm / Z-GLASS 0.30 mm / Z-NYLON 0.30 mm, - Dual-extrusion mode: Z-SEMIFLEX 0.15; 0.20 mm / Z-PLA Pro 0.15; 0.20; 0.30 mm / Z-PLA 0.30 mm / Z-PETG 0.30 mm / Z-GLASS 0.15; 0.20; 0.30 mm / Z-ESD 0.15; 0.20 mm,
- It is now possible to enable the Hybrid Support option when printing in the dual-extrusion mode. The feature has been added to the Support step in the Advanced print settings menu. Selecting this option makes the printer use the soluble material only for those layers which will adhere to the model or will be built on the model’s surface. The remaining part of support structures will be printed with the model material. This way, you can save the support material and speed up the printing,
- Added the Replicate .zcodex option,
- Increased printing speed for Z-PETG, Z-PLA and Z-ULTRAT Plus in the dual-extrusion mode,
- Improved quality of supported overhanging walls for Z-ULTRAT Plus (dual-extrusion mode) and Z-PLA (single-extrusion mode).
M Series Plus, M300 Dual & Inventure:
- Introduced a new tool which allows you to enable or disable Smart Bridges (short bridge-like structures) in the Support step. This tool gives users more control over spots which require support: enabled bridges do not require support, whereas disabled ones can be supported using standard editable support,
- Introduced the new Contour-top gap option in the Offset section in Print Settings – it is now possible to change the distance between the top layers of a model and outer contour (the bond between the top layers and the outer contour can be increased, but the model’s dimensions may slightly change),
- Added the May not print notification in the Thin Walls Analysis tool, which informs users about cases where the device may not be able to print too thin elements,
- Added the Only from raft option in the Support step. After selecting this option, the program will generate only those support structures which do not adhere to any part of the model. This allows you to avoid surface imperfections that can appear on models once you remove the support,
- The generated .zcodex files will now have a smaller size when you do not use the Replicate .zcodex option,
It is now possible to change the Offset outer contours and Offset holes values up to -1 mm, which allows users to decrease the size of models and holes.
- Introduced a new manual supports type: Tree, available in the Support step. The tree-like structures can be easily customized and are recommended when 3D printing elements rich in details. Also, you can edit a tree structure when it collides with the model by dragging and moving the yellow joints around,
- Added support for 23 resins delivered by third-party manufacturers: ApplyLabWork, HARZ Labs, Dreve. The new printing profiles are available to use after changing the Material group to External,
- Increased speed of operation and reduced consumption of RAM while generating supports and working with .zcodex files (generating, saving and loading previews),
- The way of generating spots that require support has been optimized. The program can now better detect little, overhanging elements and edges. This improvement provides more stability and a decreased failure rate. The overall efficiency of generating supports and the default parameters have been improved so that supports now better adhere to 3D printed items,
- It is now possible to add and delete support only for a selected model when preparing multiple projects. Also, it is possible to select many models and generate support for all of them at once,
- The Size correction tool has replaced the Overgrowth correction tool. It is now possible to increase or decrease your model’s dimensions by 1 or more pixels in the X or Y axis. This tool is available in the Print settings step in the Advanced menu,
- The support settings are now saved even when leaving and going back to the Support step,
- Added the Real View mode – it represents the real view of a bottom up print (the option can be found in the navigation cube in the top right corner of the workspace),
- The Model lift option has been limited to decrease the failure rate of prints: the minimum value for lifting models is now set to 5 mm.
All devices:
- You can now cancel the process of sending a .zcodex file to the printer in the Preview step – an adequate button has been added.

Bug fixes:
- Improved performance of the Place by face tool and Editable support after using the Mirror Flip option,
- Fixed an issue where the wrong notification would appear when slicing a model that is too low,
- Improved process of generating Bridges – empty spaces should no longer appear in generated bridges,
- Inkspire: Fixed problems where it wouldn’t be possible to slice a model that contains more Bottom layers than the overall number of layers,
- Fixed problems with assigning colors to model/support blocks in the Support step (the Preferences menu),
- Inkspire: Improved process of detecting collisions between objects and supports,
- Improved movement pattern when finishing prints – minimized risk of leaving nozzle marks on models,
- Fixed an issue where using the Replicate .zcodex option would improperly replicate models that have been generated without the raft or in the shell mode,
- M300 Dual: Fixed an issue where the program would become unresponsive when sensing files that have been prepared for a difference material than the loaded one,
- M300 Dual: Fixed an issue where the program would crash when sending files directly to the printer,
- Loading multi-element .3mf files should no longer cause problems where only first element would be loaded,
- Inkspire: Cases where raft would get through models have been eliminated,
- Opening Z-SUITE from several user accounts simultaneously on Windows should no longer cause problems with blocking other accounts,
- M200 & M300: Improved Editable support option’s icon.
22 Jun 2020
- Added support for Z-ESD v2 for M Series Plus printers (0.09; 0.14; 0.19; 0.29 mm); M300 Dual and Inventure (0.15; 0.20 mm for dual-extrusion mode).
06 May 2020
Added support for new External Resins for Inkspire:- AmeraLabs AMD-3 Black Model
- AmeraLabs DMD-21 Dental Model
- Power Resins PowerCast Burn
- Power Resins PowerCast Opaque
- Siraya Tech Blu Clear V1
- Siraya Tech Blu Clear V2
03 Apr 2020
- Added support for Z-ABS v2 (M200, M200 Plus and M300 Plus).
05 Mar 2020
M Series Plus, M300 Dual, Inventure:
- Introduced the new Contour-infill gap option – you can now change the space that is between outer contours of a model and outer contours of infill,
- Improved default support settings – adhesion between models and support has been increased,
All devices:

18 Dec 2019
- New types of editable support are available for FDM printers: Automatic, Point, Surface, Single Surface and Area type. The way of detecting areas that require support has been changed:
–Point type is for a single, small point of a model,
–Surface type is for the whole slope or flat surface in a model,
–Single Surface type is for single overhanging layers,
–Area type is for the selected range of overhanging layers in a model. This type can also be enlarged to surrounding layers, - Editable support is now available for the dual-extrusion mode for the M300 Dual and Inventure,
- The program can now repair files when loading projects for the Inkspire,
- The new Variable Layer Thickness option for Inkspire allows users to divide models into one or more areas, each of which can be printed with different layer thickness settings. Within one model, one area can be printed with thicker layers (for parts with less details) and other areas can be printed with finer layers (for parts which require high quality of details),
- You can now select the Material Group before you select a specific resin type for Inkspire models,
- Retraction speed has been increased to 100mm/s in the External Materials menu,
- Bug fixes:
- improved communication with printers: failsafe responses should be properly displayed,
- a printer’s current state should be properly displayed in the My Devices panel,
- if a print job fails to start from Z-SUITE, printers should display proper message relating to the cause of failure,
- Z-ABS should be properly recognized when sending files to printers’ storage,
- printers now display the number of replicated .zcodex copies next to the miniature during a print job,
- models should now be properly arranged in the workspace after using the Split option,
- opening .zprojx files for Custom Printers should no longer cause problems,
- opening large .zprojx files should no longer cause problems with the workspace view.
Z-SUITE 2 for macOS is stable only for versions up to 10.14 (Mojave). When using newer versions, Z-SUITE 2 may not run as efficient.
for MAC
16 Feb 2018

- Introduces minor fixes of the print quality for Z-PLA PRO.
13 Feb 2018
- Fixes an issue with removing the raft from Z-PLA Pro prints and introduces minor fixes of the print quality (0.09 and 0.14 layer thickness),
- Improves the print quality for Z-ULTRAT Plus (Inventure).
64 Bit Smart Pss Mac
25 Jan 2018
- Adds support for Z-ULTRAT Plus and Z-SEMIFLEX (Inventure),
- Introduces new Layer Thickness for Z-ASA Pro and Z-HIPS – 0.09 (M Series printers),
- Introduces new Layer Thickness for Z-ULTRAT – 0.29 (M200),
- Introduces Shell infill for PLA-based materials (External Materials).
14 Nov 2017
- Quicker slicing process of complicated models,
- New Print Quality type: Draft (for Z-ABS 0,14 and 0,19, and Z-HIPS 0,19),
- Increased density of Maximum Infill for Z-HIPS and Z-ABS materials.
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